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Sybase ase odbc driver 64 bit

Download Sybase ase odbc driver 64 bit

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  • Author: Kalmaran
  • Added: 09.06.2015
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Technical documentation is next, and we need your help.Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, you can contribute.Sign up and start helping >Learn more about Documentation > I have trouble getting the Sybase ASE ODBC drivers to work on Windows 7 64bit.I have a 64bit version for Sybase ASE 15.0.1. However the installation fails. After selecting a "Custom" installation, and selecting all the options required for the client, the Java-based installer just disappears into thin air when clicking NEXT.I have tried installing the 32 bit driver as well.

This installed fine, but the driver does not show up in the ODBC Administrator.Has anyone found Sybase ase odbc driver 64 bit solution, or have a suggestion for this one? We are developing .NET tools against the Sybase backend, and can't get this to work at present. I have tried installing the Syhase bitdriver as well.

This installed fine,but the driver does not show up in theODBC Administrator.Have you tried using both different odbcad32?One is located in %windir%syswow64 the other in %windir%system32.We've had similar issues here with windows 7 64bit vit odbc-drivers not showing up.Using the odbcad32.exe located in %windir%syswow64, bih drivers showed up ^_^ protected by Georg Scholly Pdbc 14 '11 at 8:20Thank you for your interest in this question.Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site (the association bonus does not count).Would you like to answer one of Subase unanswered questions instead?Not the answer you're looking for?

Browse other questions tagged windows-7 odbc 64bit sybase-ase 46 ask your own question. TechnologyLife / ArtsCulture / RecreationScienceOther� Stack Overflow� Server Fault� Super User� Web Applications� Ask Ubuntu� Webmasters� Game Development� TeX - LaTeX� Programmers� Bir & Linux� Ask Different (Apple)� WordPress Development� Geographic Information Systems� Electrical Engineering� Android Enthusiasts� Information Security� Database Administrators� Drupal Answers� SharePoint� User Experience� Mathematica� Salesforce� ExpressionEngine� Answers� Cryptography� Code Review� Magento� Signal Processing� Raspberry Pi� Programming Puzzles & Code Golf�more (7)� Photography� Science Fiction & Fantasy� Graphic Design� Movies & TV� Music: Practice & Theory� Seasoned Advice (cooking)� Home Improvement� Personal Finance & Money� Academia�more (8)� English Language & Deiver Skeptics� Mi Yodeya (Judaism)� Travel� Christianity� English Language Learners� Japanese Language� Arqade (gaming)� Bicycles� Role-playing Games� Anime & Manga�more (18)� Mathematics� Odvc Validated (stats)� Theoretical Computer Science� Physics� MathOverflow� Chemistry� Biology� Computer Science� Philosophy�more (3)� Stack Apps� Meta Drivfr Exchange� Area 51� Stack Overflow Careers Chapter 7: Configuring Sybase IQAdding ODBC Data Sybade on 64-bit Windows systemsOn 64-bit Windows systems, Sybase IQ installs a 32-bit ODBCdriver.

To add new Data Source Names, invoke the ODBC Administratorone of two Sybbase Start, point to Programs | Sybase | Sybase IQ | ODBCData Source Administrator 64 bit�Run C:WINDOWSSysWOW64odbcad32.exeOther methods of launching ODBC Administrator from the ControlPanel or Run drifer do not return desired results.

If you type �odbcad32� insteadof the full path in the Run text box, ODBC lists only one driver(SQL Server driver) and prevents adding Data Source Names. The Versionor Company column in the driver list may include the value �(NotMarked).�Attempts to add a DSN starting the ODBC Administrator incorrectlymay return one of the following errors:�Thesetup routines for the Adaptive Server IQ ODBCdriver could not be loaded due to system error code 126.�Driver�s ConfigDSN,ConfigDriver, or ConfigTranslatorfailed: Could not load the setup or translator library.�The setup routines for the AdaptiveServer IQ ODBCdriver could not be found.

Please reinstall the driver. Software Developer's Kit 15.5 > Adaptive Server Enterprise ODBC Driver by Sybase for Microsoft Windows, Linux, and Apple Mac OS X Users Guide > Connecting to a Database > Configuring obc Adaptive Server ODBC Driver > Microsoft Windows You do not need to manually register the Adaptive ServerODBC Driver if you have used the Sybase SDK installation programto install Adaptive Server ODBC Driver.Manually registering Adaptive Server ODBC Driver 32-bit on Microsoft Windows x86 32-bit�Change to the %SYBASE%DataAccessODBCdll directory,which contains the Adaptive Server ODBC Drifer DLL.�Run the regsvr32 utility to createregistry entries in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREODBCODBCINST.INI key:regsvr32 sybdrvodb.dllManually registering Adaptive Server ODBC Sybaes 64-bit on Microsoft Windows x86-64 64-bit�Change to the %SYBASE%DataAccess64ODBCdll directory,which contains nit Adaptive Server ODBC Odbv DLL.�Run the drlver utility to createregistry entries in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREODBCODBCINST.INI key:regsvr32 sybdrvodb64.dllManually registering Adaptive Server Biy Driver 32-bit on Microsoft Windowsx86-64 64-bit�Change to the %SYBASE%DataAccessODBCdll directory,which contains the Adaptive Server ODBC Driver DLL.�Run the regsvr32 utility tocreate registry entries in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeODBCODBCINST.INI key:regsvr32 sybdrvodb.dll To configure a datasource using Adaptive Server ODBCDriver 32-bit on Microsoft Windows x86-64 64-bit, use the 32-bitODBC Data Source Administrator odbcad32.exe locatedby default at C:WINDOWSSysWOW64. � General Links� Solution Wizard� View Cart� Product Links� Product Description� Product Data Sheet� Why Buy Easysoft?� Competitive Upgrade Offer� Supported Platforms� Knowledge Driveer Download� Buy Now� Documentation� Getting Started Guide� User Guide� Licensing Guide� Tutorials� 64-bit ODBC� FreeRADIUS� Linux/Unix ODBC� Lotus Notes/Domino� Micro Focus COBOL� mnoGoSearch�� Oracle hsODBC� Perl� PHP� Python� QT� Rexx� SQL Injection� StarOffice �Support was outstanding.� DBA, USA�Makes us much more confident to purchase knowing issues can be resolved quickly.� DBA, USA�.response was all but immediate drivef VERY straightforward.� DBA, USA�I osbc impressed with your service level.� IT Manager, Germany�I just wanted to let you know about the exemplary service I received from one of your support staff yesterday.� Sybase ase odbc driver 64 bit Project Manager, Law Firm, UK�Driver works like a dream.� Energy Supplier, London�Testing has completed successfully.

Configuration of the software/driver was a breeze.KR � Banking institution, USA�The Easysoft Oracle ODBC Driver blew us away.� Senior Data Manager, USA�Found Easysoft Sales staff to be incredibly knowledgeable and helpful.� Retailer, South Africa�We used your odbbc to synchronize our ODBC database with our legacy application and are extremely happy with the performance.JS � Energy Company USA�Real time data access from a REAL software company.� Project Lead, Retailer, UK�We are grateful to Easysoft for supplying a great solution that helped us access our 64-bit database.� Architecture Manager, UK�The integration into our databases and the assistance given with bulk uploads and a general helpful attitude was outstanding.� Project Manager, Telecoms, USA�Easysoft constantly provide us with an excellent service.� Database Manager, UK�Easysoft provided qse support and advice on the launch of our new data infrastructure.� Head of IT, Major Oodbc, USA�We are very pleased with their drivers and support.� Tech Support, Manchester, UK�We highly recommend Easysoft, their technical support is outstanding and the service we have received from then is both professional and efficient.� Drivdr Support, UK�Whenever we need them for assistance or advice, the team at Easysoft is always a phone call away and ready to help.� Data Manager, UK�Been using your drivers for many years now and we are impressed with the quality and price of them.� Program Manager, USA�Our long term collaboration with Easysoft can be characterized by the excellence of their services, speed of communication and responsiveness to their clients.� CEO, Major ISP, USA�Since the very beginning, Easysoft maintained very high standards in the technology that they use.� Infrastructure Engineer, Telecoms, USA�Unsure about your services at first we are so pleased that we did choose Ass Project Manager, USA�Straightforward, brilliantly priced products - what else can I say!� Vriver Manager, USA�Very pleased particularly with the quality of the product.� Project Manager, General Retailer, France�Very nice guys, professional.

Thank you.� Head of Solutions, USA�Never used Easysoft Limited before, but I would not hesitate in recommending them.� Consultant, USA�I will not hesitate to consider Easysoft for our product deployments.LH � Software Solution Provider�Everything seems to run faster with Easysoft!� IT Manager, UK�Thank you so much for your continuous support. The Easysoft driver was indeed excellent, easy and reliable.PH � TelecomsSybase ODBC Driver� Download now 14 day free trial� Buy now Order securely today� Description� Diagram� Platforms The Easysoft ODBC-Sybase Driver is the most efficient and performance-oriented driver you can get for connecting your applications to Sybase.Developed for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE), this driver lets your ODBC-enabled applications access Sybase ASE 12.5.x, 15 and 16 (including Sybase ASE Express Edition) from Linux and major Unix platforms.We provide the best connectivity on the market and provide excellent performance.In the unlikely event that you need help with the installation of this driver then our support team is on hand to assist you.

ODBC Driver for Sybase ASE 12.5, 15, 16 and ExpressThe Easysoft ODBC-Sybase Driver is an ODBC 3.5 driver for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE).

It lets ODBC-enabled asr access Sybase ASE 12.5.x, 15 and 16 (including Sybase ASE Express Edition) from Linux and major Unix platforms.Supported applications include, StarOffice and ApplixWare. Supported interfaces include Perl DBI and DBD::ODBC, Python mxODBC and pyodbc and PHP.The Easysoft ODBC-Sybase Driver is compatible with and includes unixODBC, the open source ODBC Driver Manager for non-Windows platforms. The Easysoft Dobc Driver installation can automatically install the driver into unixODBC, making the ODBC-Sybase Driver immediately available to your Oddbc applications.

The unixODBC project is currently led by Easysoft developeAttention, Internet Explorer 6 UserAnnouncement: Jive has discontinued support for Internet Explorer kdbc order to provide the best platform for continued innovation, Jive no longer supports Internet Explorer 6.Jive will not vit with this version of Internet Explorer. Please consider upgrading to Internet Explorer 7, 8, or 9, or trying another browser such as Firefox, Safari, or Google Chrome.(Please remember to honor your company's IT policies before installing new software!)� Upgrade Internet Explorer� Download Firefox� Use Safari (OS X only)� Download Google Chrome The SAP Sybase ASE database from Sgbase to 15, then 15.5, then 15.7, these stages,The ODBC driver has also had some changes, specific changes related to some internal details, do not open the.Here mainly introduce the driver registration method:1 for the 12.5.x ASE installation, you may have been using the legacy system is drive old, but also reluctant to give up, may be one of the ODBC drive, you also hope that it will continue to service, but the client has been upgraded to a 64 bit system, such as 64 or 2003, win7 win2008Have a way to use it?The answer is there.

As long as you put the ASE12.5.x service on the ODBC installation directory, such as c:sybaseODBC complete package is copied to the fixed directory client,For example, I for the sake of convenience, in the d:SybaseASE_ODBC directory, d:SybaseASE_ODBCODBC directory structure formation, all ODBC related DLL are in the ODBC subdirectory below.The rest of the work is simple to add content to the registry:Complete the following registry content: �Windows�Registry�Editor�Version�5.00���[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeODBCODBCINST.INIODBC�Drivers]�"SYBASE�ASE�ODBC�Driver"="Installed"���[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeODBCODBCINST.INISybase�ASE�ODBC�Driver]�"AltDefaults"="1"�"APILevel"="1"�"ConnectionFunctions"="YYY"�"CPTimeout"="60"�"DriverODBCVer"="04.10"�"FileUsage"="0"�"SQLLevel"="0"�"Driver"="d:SybaseASE_ODBCODBCSYODASE.DLL"�"Setup"="d:SybaseASE_ODBCODBCSYODASES.DLL"�"HelpRootDirectory"="d:SybaseASE_ODBCODBChelp"Note that, if you copy the target path is not a d:SybaseASE_ODBC, then the.Reg files in driver and setup path, should do corresponding adjustment.After the execution of the.Reg file, you Sybwse a command line:c:windowssyswow64odbcad32, You can see the Sybase ASE ODBC Driver the driver in the driving list.Note that, because it is a 64 bit system, so the registry path in a Wow6432Node, if 32 clients, this can be removed.12.5 ODBC driver configuration diagram.2 if 15 and later,The ODBC drive is on the driveg inside.

(assuming c:sybase is the root path to your ASE installation directory)You have to release the driver in 64 place on the client machine, only need to copy c:SybaseDataAccessODBC to d:SybaseASE_ODBCDataAccessODBC below.Perform under the registry key: �Windows�Registry�Editor�Version�5.00��[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeODBCODBCINST.INIAdaptive�Server�Enterprise�15.x]�"Driver"="d:SybaseASE_ODBCDataAccessODBCdllsybdrvodb.dll"�"Setup"="d:SybaseASE_ODBCDataAccessODBCdllsybdrvodb.dll"��[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeODBCODBCINST.INIODBC�Drivers]�"Adaptive�Server�Enterprise�15.x"="Installed"You can put the corresponding driver registration: Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.x.Of sae, version 15 and later, if there is a 64 bit ODBC driver, the path of the Wow6432Node can not.In fact, according to the 15 and subsequent ODBC driver, you can not write directly related registry, a command:d:>regsvr32 "D:SybaseASE_ODBCDataAccessODBCdllsybdrvodb.dll"To complete the registration.

Such registration, driver name is the official standard names: "Adaptive Server Enterprise". ? Sybase NNTP forums - End Of Life (EOL)The NNTP forums from Sybase - - are now closed. All new questions should be directed to the appropriate forum at the SAP Community Network (SCN). Individual products have links to the respective forums on SCN, or you can go to SCN and search for your product driiver the search box (upper right corner) to find your specific developer center.� Forums Archive >� ASE >� Connectivity - ODBC bti "64bit Sybase ASE ODBC Driver" Sender: From: Jason Ching Newsgroups: sybase.public.connectivity.odbc Subject: 64bit Sybase ASE ODBC Driver X-Mailer: WebNews to Mail Gateway v1.1t Message-ID: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: drivr X-Original-NNTP-Posting-Host: Date: 15 Feb 2011 19:14:35 -0800 X-Trace: forums-1-dub 1297826075 (15 Synase 2011 Sybwse -0800) X-Original-Trace: 15 Feb 2011 19:14:35 -0800, Lines: 8 Path: forums-1-dub!not-for-mail Xref: Subase sybase.public.connectivity.odbc:4682Article PK: 117469 Hi, We are setting up a new Windows Server 2008 64 bit machine, and some of our application requires the Sybasee ASE ODBC Driver for 64 bit.

Is there any driver available for this? Where can I download it? Thanks. Jason From: "Cory Sane [TeamSybase]" Newsgroups: sybase.public.connectivity.odbc References: <> In-Reply-To: <> Subject: Re: 64bit Sybase ASE ODBC Driver Lines: 19 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1"; reply-type=original Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Priority: 3 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-Newsreader: Microsoft Windows Mail 6.0.6002.18197 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.0.6002.18263 NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Original-NNTP-Posting-Host: Message-ID: <4d5b7375$1@forums-1-dub> Date: 15 Feb 2011 22:49:25 -0800 X-Trace: forums-1-dub 1297838965 (15 Feb 2011 big -0800) X-Original-Trace: 15 Feb 2011 22:49:25 -0800, X-Authenticated-User: TeamSybase Path: forums-1-dub!not-for-mail Xref: forums-1-dub sybase.public.connectivity.odbc:4683Article PK: 117467 ASE 15.0.x and 15.5.x will include the 64bit set of drivers.Whoever at your site has access to the Sybase download center will be able to retrieve the ASE client for you.Patches for the client drives can be found under the heading of "software development kit".15.0 has ESD#22 and 15.5 has ESD#7or8.-Cory Sane[TeamSybase]Certified Sybase Associate DBA for ASE 15.0"Jason Ching" wrote in message> Hi,>> We are setting up drvier new Windows Server 2008 64 bit machine,> and some of our application requires the Sybase ASE ODBC> Driver for 64 bit.

Is there any driver available for this?> Where can I download it? Thanks.>> Jason Sender: From: Jason Ching Newsgroups: sybase.public.connectivity.odbc Subject: Re: 64bit Sybase ASE ODBC Driver X-Mailer: WebNews to Mail Gateway v1.1t Message-ID: <> References: <4d5b7375$1@forums-1-dub> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Original-NNTP-Posting-Host: Date: 21 Feb 2011 05:16:54 -0800 X-Trace: forums-1-dub 1298294214 (21 Feb 2011 05:16:54 -0800) X-Original-Trace: 21 Feb 2011 05:16:54 -0800, Lines: 30 Path: forums-1-dub!not-for-mail Xref: forums-1-dub sybase.public.connectivity.odbc:4685Article PK: 117470 Hi Cory,Can you provide the exact location where I can download thisdriver?

I can see the SDK for 32bit available in thedownload center, but not the 64 bit one. Thanks.Regards,Jason> ASE 15.0.x and 15.5.x will include the 64bit set of> drivers. Whoever at your site has access to the Sybase> download center will be able to retrieve the ASE client> for you. Patches for the client drives can be found under> the heading of "software development kit". 15.0 has ESD#22> and 15.5 has ESD#7or8.>>> -> Cory Sane> [TeamSybase]> Certified Sybase Associate DBA for ASE 15.0> "Jason Ching" wrote in drivr >

Hi,> >> > We are setting up a new Windows Server 2008 64 bit> > machine, and some of our oebc requires the Sybase> > ASE ODBC Driver for 64 bit. Is there any driver> > available for this? Where can I download it? Thanks.> >> > Jason From: "Luc Van der Veurst" Drivrr sybase.public.connectivity.odbc References: <4d5b7375$1@forums-1-dub> <> Subject: Re: 64bit Sybase ASE ODBC Drver Lines: 49 X-Priority: 3 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.5931 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.5931 X-RFC2646: Format=Flowed; Original X-Forwarded: by - (DeleGate/5.8.7) X-Forwarded: by - (DeleGate/5.8.7) NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Original-NNTP-Posting-Host: MessDigital Experience Platform DigitalFactoryComprehensive solution for crafting and managing sophisticated digital experiences Web content & Customer Journey Sitefinity CMSBuild engaging websites with intuitive web content management Data Connectivity DataDirect ConnectorsOptimize data integration with high-performance connectivity Business Rules Management CorticonAutomate decision processes with a no-code business rules engine View All Products Solutions Web ScaleGlobally scale websites with innovative content management and infrastructure approaches Omni-Channel EngagementContent-focused web and mobile solution for empowering marketers Enterprise MobilityFaster, tailored mobile experiences for any device and data source � Overview� Connectors� Amazon EMR Hive� Amazon Redshift� Apache Cassandra� Apache Hadoop Hive� Clipper� Cloudera CDH Hive� Cloudera Impala� Data Sources Using Salesforce Connect� dBase� EDI data� FinancialForce� Flat files: Sybsse, TSV, Text files and more� Applications� Foxpro� Google Analytics� Healthcare EDI: HIPAA, HL7 and NCPDP� Hortonworks Hive� Hubspot� IBM DB2� IBM Informix� MapR Hive� Marketo� Microsoft Dynamics CRM� Microsoft SQL Azure� Microsoft SQL Server� MongoDB� MySQL� Oracle Database� Oracle Eloqua� Oracle Service Cloud� Pervasive Bt (Btrieve)� Pivotal Greenplum� Pivotal HAWQ� Pivotal HD Hive� PostgreSQL� Progress��OpenEdge�� Progress��Rollbase��� SAP HANA� SAP Sybase ASE� SAP Sybase IQ� ServiceMAX� Spark SQL� SugarCRM� Teradata� Veeva Sybase ase odbc driver 64 bit XML� API Adapter� Custom Driver SDK� Solutions� Application Vendors� Driveg Application Vendors� Data Source Vendors� Tableau Users� Salesforce Users� SAS Analytics Users� Big Data Frameworks Users� Oracle Service Cloud Users� Analytics Tools Integration� Hybrid Connectivity� Partners� Learning & Support� Vit Customers� Whitepapers� Webinars� How-To Videos� Documentation� Tutorials� Sbase Base� Supported Configurations� Release Notes� Community FastHandle volume and velocity easily with superior features and tools ReliableGain time and value from failover features that ensure reliability and data integrity IndependentRemove the need to rely on vendor client libraries and vendor clients Download ODBC connectors� AIX 32-bit� AIX 64-bit� HP/UX Itanium 32-bit� HP/UX Itanium 64-bit� HP/UX PA-RISC 32-bit� Linux 32-bit� Linux 64-bit� Linux 64-bit Itanium� Solaris SPARC 32-bit� Solaris SPARC 64-bit� Solaris x86 32-bit� Solaris x86 64-bit� Windows 32-bit� Windows 64-bit Download� AIX 32-bit� AIX 64-bit� HP/UX Itanium 32-bit� HP/UX Itanium 64-bit� HP/UX PA-RISC 32-bit� Linux 32-bit� Linux 64-bit� Linux 64-bit Itanium� Solaris SPARC 32-bit� Solaris SPARC 64-bit� Solaris x86 32-bit� Solaris x86 64-bit� Vriver 32-bit� Windows 64-bit Progress DataDirect Connect and Connect64 for ODBC Sybase Wire Protocol DriverVersion 7.1.6(32- and 64-bit drivers are available for all supported databases and platforms unless otherwise noted.)ODBC Version�Support�Compatible with ODBC 3.8 applicationsDatabase Support� SAP Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0 Sybaae higher� SAP Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 11.9 and higherOperating System SupportAIX (32- and 64-bit)� AIX, version 5.3 and higherHP� HP-UX IPF, 11i version 2.0 (B.11.23) and big HP-UX PA-RISC (32-bit only), version 11 and higherLinux x86 (32- and 64-bit for AMD and Intel processors.

64-bit for Itanium II.)� CentOS Linux x86, version 4.0 and higher� Oracle Linux x86, version 4.0 and higher� Red Hat Enterprise Linux x86, version 4.0 and higher� SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Linux x86, version 10 and higherLinux on Oddbc Z (64-bit only)� CentOS Linux x64, version 4.0 and higher� Oracle Linux x64, version 4.0 and higher� Red Hat Enterprise Linux x64, version 4.0 and higher� SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Linux kdbc, version 10 and higherSolaris (32- and 64-bit)� Solaris x86 version 10 (Solaris 5.10) and higher� Solaris on SPARC, version 8 (Solaris 5.8) and higherWindows (32- and 64-bit)� Windows (x86), version 7 and higher� Windows Server (x86), version 2003 and higher� Windows Vista (x86)� Windows XP Professional (x86), SP2 or higherDriver/Client Software Requirements� Drivdr Requirements IN THE SPOTLIGHT Top 10 Reasons You Need High-Performance Data ConnectivityData Connectivity is a critical but drvier overlooked component of the IT infrastructure.

These components have dramatic effects on application performance, reliability and portability. Learn about the top 10 reasons high-performance data connectivity is critical for your business. Watch webinar Copyright � 2016, Progress Software Corporation and/or its subsidiaries or affiliates.All Rights Reserved.Progress, Telerik, and certain Sybawe names used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of Progress Software Corporation and/or one of its Sybsse or affiliates in the U.S.

and/or other countries. See Trademarks or appropriate markings. ODBC Driver for SAP Sybase Odvc Server Enterprise OverviewSAP Sybase ODBC Driver for Adaptive Server Enterprise provides high-performance and feature-rich connectivity solution for ODBC-based applications to access ASE databases from Windows, MacOS, Linux, both 32-bit and 64-bit. Full support for standard ODBC Qse functions and data types implemented in our driver makes interaction of Sybase ase odbc driver 64 bit database applications with Adaptive Server Enterprise fast, easy and extremely handy. Direct Connection to ASE via TCP/IPOur driver provides capabilities to establish SSL-encrypted connections to Adaptive Server Enterprise databases directly via TCP/IP avoiding ASE client software.

In addition, there is a wide set of options for configuring connection to SAP Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise. Bulk UpdatesMoreover, with our driver Sybaae can perform bulk updates to ASE database by combining SQL statements into batches, thus simplifying and speeding up large data modification to Adaptive Server Enterprise. ODBC ConformanceThe driver provides full support for common ODBC interface:� ODBC API Functions support� ODBC Data Types supportIn addition, we provide support for Advanced Connection String parameters.

Thus allowing any desktop asf web applications to connect to ASE from various environments and platforms, that support ODBC. IntegrationThe driver is compatible with 3rd-party data analyses tools, such as Microsoft Excel, and integrates with various IDEs and bti like Visual Studio, etc.For the complete list of compatible tools and environments visit the Compatibility page. Platforms VarietyODBC driver for Adaptive Server Enterprise can be used with 32-bit and 64-bit applications on both x32 and x64 platforms, so there is no need to additionally configure the driver, applications or environment. Fully Sybade DriverWith our fully Unicode driver, you can retrieve and work with any data from multi-lingual ASE databases correctly, not depending on whether its charset is Latin, Cyrillic, Hebrew, Chinese, etc., in any environment localization. Drivers provide the Direct access to custom databases, which eliminates the use of database client libraries, simplifies the deployment process, and extends your application capabilities� ODBC Drivers for Clouds Drivers provide the Direct access to custom cloud databases, which eliminates the use of database client libraries, simplifies the deployment process, and extends your application capabilities� SSIS Data Flow Components A set of components for SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) packages that provides easy to set up cost-effective data integration using SSIS ETL engine.

Our components offer high performance data loading, convenient component editors, SQL support for cloud data sources and lots of data source specific features.� Excel Add-ins A database-independent layer that defines common interface to provide fast access Sybawe SQL database servers from Delphi and C++Builder on Windows and Mac OS X for both 32-bit and 64-bit platforms� Productivity Tools The tool provides visual monitoring of your database applications.

dbMonitor performs per-component tracing of database events such as commit, rollback, SQL statement execute, creating and destroying components etc. A powerful IDE for SQL Server aae, administration, development, data reporting and analysis.

The tool will help SQL developers to ass databases, speed up routine tasks, as well, as to odc complex database changes. Convenient and easy-to-use GUI tool for a fast generation of large volumes of SQL Server test table data. The tool includes a huge collection of predefined generators with sensible configuration options. Set of tools for comparison and deployment of any MySQL and MariaDB schema or data changes.

Get dbForge Schema Compare for MySQL and Maria DB, and dbForge Data Compare for MySQL products and save about 25%. GUI tool for quick and easy MySQL and MariaDB database schema comparison and synchronization. It will help you analyze database structure differences, and effectively propagate changes to a required MySQL Server. IDE for easy development and maintenance of Oracle databases. The tool provides capabilities to browse and edit database objects, debug PL/SQL statements, run SQL statements, edit and export table data, and sync databases. The tool for PostgreSQL is intended for quick and safe data comparison and synchronization, convenient management of data differences in a well-designed user interface, and customizable synchronization. An enhanced database connectivity solution for PostgreSQL built odvc ADO.NET architecture and a development framework with a number of innovative technologies and support for Entity Framework and Sybasee ORMs. An enhanced database connectivity solution for SQLite built over ADO.NET architecture and a development framework with a number of innovative technologies and support for Entity Framework and LinqConnect ORMs. An enhanced data provider built on ADO.NET te

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